HOW TO Relieve TMJ Jaw Pain
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain does not last long for many people. In some cases, TMJ pain may go away on its own. But others can end up experiencing TMJ pain and discomfort every day.
Regardless, there are things you can do to relieve your TMJ jaw pain!
This article is going to walk you through what you can do to relieve your jaw pain today! We are going to focus on the relieving pain in the muscles and ligaments connected to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Did You Know:
According to the National Health Institute, TMJ disorders affect over 10 million Americans?
What You Can Do Right Now:
In a survey conducted by the TMJ Association (TMJA), 74% of TMJ patients said that they use hot or cold compresses to find relief from pain in their jaw joint. This may also work for you!
- When you feel a dull, steady ache in your jaw, apply a warm, wet cloth to the area to increase blood flow and relax jaw muscles. Apply the moist heat for 10 to 20 minutes.
- When you feel a sharp pain in your TMJ, apply cold packs or ice packs wrapped in a dry cloth to the area to decrease inflammation and numb the pain. Apply cold packs for 10 to 15 minutes.
Medications that can provide pain relief:
To relieve TMJ pain, you may want to try over-the-counter drugs, such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Ecotrin, or Tylenol.
Prefer Essencial Oils?
Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, sweet marjoram, and clary sage have been known to provide temporary relief from TMJ jaw pain.
Massages That Relieve TMJ Pain:
Trigger Point Therapy:
Trigger points are hyper-tensed muscles, also known as muscle knots, that causes muscle aches and pains in your jaw. The muscle that covers your jaw and is used for chewing and jaw clenching is your masseter muscle. Overusing the masseter muscle can cause inflammation and pain.
In a trigger point therapy session for your TMJ, the massage therapist starts by gently relaxing the masseter muscle, and then applying pressure to the trigger points (muscle knots).
TMJ Kneading Massage.
A TMJ kneading massage applies a constant, circular motion massage on the joints and muscles that are causing TMJ pain.
TMJ Stretching Massage.
A TMJ stretching massage stretches the muscles away from your upper jaw (maxillary).
If you live near Richmond, Virginia, you should schedule your first TMJ session with Jana today!
Simple TMJ exercises you can do right now to relieve jaw pain:
Exercise #1: Jaw Relaxation
Exercise #2: Chin Tucks
Exercise #3: Mouth Resistance
Exercise #4: Side-to-Side, Front-to-Back Jaw Movements
Healthline also has an article on their website that will walk you through 9 TMJ exercises you can do right now. Go here to learn how to do them:
Behavioral Changes that Relieve TMJ Jaw Pain:
Don’t Overuse Your Jaw.
Minimize wide jaw movements, such as chewing, yawning, singing, and yelling.
Correct your posture.
Sit upright and make sure you have good back support. The same goes for standing. Read: How Posture Correction Exercises Improve TMJ Symptoms.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Sleep on your back and use pillows to support your neck.
Reduce stress.
Try relaxation techniques like meditating, yoga, or reading a book to reduce and manage stress.
Quit bad habits.
Avoid biting nails, biting your cheeks or lips, resting your jaw on your hand, yelling, and clenching or grinding your teeth.
Avoid certain foods.
Avoid crunchy and hard foods, prolonged chewing, and taking large bites.
Learn more about treating TMJ here: How to Treat TMJ / TMD.
Additional Reading:
If you’re wondering what causes sudden TMJ pain, read this other TMJ article: Causes of Sudden TMJ Pain.
Featured on Virginia This Morning:
Jana Powell recently sat down with Jessica Noll from Virginia This Morning to talk about TMD.
Want to get rid of TMJ pain once and for all?
Are you looking for a long-term solution to TMJ issues or jaw pain? A TMJ massage at Attune Massage Therapy can help you alleviate TMJ and TMD symptoms with customized treatment options, education, and more.
In addition to teaching you different TMJ exercises, Jana can also help you get same-day relief from TMJ symptoms!
If you are in the Richmond area, you can schedule your first TMJ session with Jana today!
For more information about Pediatric TMJ Massages, please visit: Pediatric TMJ.
This article should be used for educational purposes only (not advice, diagnosis, or treatment).
Now Offering: Virtual Couples Massage Workshops
Would you like to learn how to give great massages?
Book Your Private Couples Massage Workshop:
In this customized, interactive 90-minute workshop, Jana will demonstrate and teach a few professional massage techniques that will not only help to save hands, but will also provide you & your partner a therapeutic-based massage. Contraindications and Endangerment Sites will be taught. This workshop can be done in person or virtually. The work Jana teaches is done on the floor with pillows, so it can be performed anywhere. All participants will be clothed the entire time (gym attire is appropriate). You will also receive a PDF document that will contain all instructions and reminders so you can focus on being 100% present in the workshop. An intake form will be sent out after purchase of the workshop and must be completed and returned at least 72 hours prior to your workshop so Jana can help you and your partner get the most out of the course.
Additional Resources:
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